Sheep definitely have a future as an integral part of a mixed farming business under the new regimes, according to Powys farmer Gary Orrells.

“Our ewes and lambs are consistently delivering a high level of performance efficiency on our forage-based unit, and its thanks to our Innovis genetics which are providing the anchor stone and enabling us to establish closed flocks," he says.

“Our Aberfield cross Welsh ewes bred from the unit’s 500 ewe performance recorded Welsh flock are normally consistently scanning over 190% and rearing 180% to 185%, however, due to the dry conditions in 2022, scanning rates were down to 180%.

"We breed 700 Aberfield cross ewes to the Abervale to produce finished lamb for Pilgrims/Waitrose; March born lambs are finished off forage or root crops within six to seven months to 19.5kg target with 60% in the R bracket and the remainder, E and U.”

Gary arms 1,170 acres including 140 acres of arable with his son, Jonathan and daughter, Elin and in partnership with his wife, Anwen based near Abermule, Powys. The unit also carries 140 suckler cows and features environmental schemes including biomass, PVs and turbines.

“Compared with the Welsh Mules we used to buy in, the Aberfield crosses are maturing at a smaller 65kg to 70kg, they’re more easily maintained solely off forage for 11 months of the year to remain in BCS 3 to 3.5.

"We’re achieving an average five lamb crops and these ewes have end of life value. Add together the benefits and introducing the Aberfield has enabled us to reduce inputs by 20%, and in turn contribute towards reduced emissions.”

The Orrells’ opportunity to develop a stratified closed flock came with the addition of marginal land rising to 1,400ft and where Gary says the Welsh and Aberfield cross ewes thrive for 11 months of the year.

“We established the nucleus of improved Welsh ewes selected for teeth, body type and wool; 40% of those ewes are bred to Prohill performance recorded rams and the remainder to the Aberfield maternal sire selected for prolificacy, lambing ease and motherability.

“We liked the Innovis vision; all its rams are forage bred and reared, they’re lasting an average five seasons and they all come with EBVs which we firmly believe in using. In fact, we have asked Innovis to choose our replacements in the last couple of years.

"Those rams are now our only bought in sheep and we like the fact they’re all tested for MV and iceberg diseases. Apart from taking control of the flock’s genetics, maintaining a closed flock has also enabled us to manage its health status. Biosecurity is vital.

“Both Innovis bred Abervale terminal sire and the Aberfield maternal sire been bred for outdoor lambing management with finer heads and woollier skins. While we lamb indoors for logistical purposes, we turn out after 48 hours initially on to cash crops and grass and find the lambs are more than capable of surviving.

"They require minimal intervention at lambing, lambs are vigorous and they’re up and sucking within five to 10 minutes. The Aberfield’s udders are well suspended, teats moderate sized, and we can hand milk them out to achieve an average 500ml per quarter of thick creamy milk. We have very few mastitis incidents.”

Lambs are weighed monthly until June after which the frequency is stepped up to weekly.

“Yes, the job takes time, however it’s worth it. If you don’t measure, you can’t manage,” he says.

“I look for consistency, I want my sheep to perform like peas in a pod, and that’s what I’m focused on breeding to ensure a future fit enterprise on our marginal land.”