Debbie James in her recent comment column: "Stamp out this scourge of our lovely countryside" has overlooked one vital thing - those farmers who are less than caring about their own rubbish littering fields verges and byways in Pembrokeshire.

I can take her tomorrow to places in Pembrokeshire where there is plastic aplenty, and where there is dumped farmer generated rubbish waiting to be discreetly covered over.

I write this as someone who is constantly battling to get litter and fly tipping picked up by Pembrokeshire County Council seemingly dimly aware of their legal obligations here for clearing rubbish dumped on public land.

Not only that of course, but what about those farmers who illegally act as waste carriers when they pump out septic tanks full of untreated human waste and illegally dispose of that.

Yes, Debbie James, a robust response is required from local authorities for all those who pollute and despoil the countryside.

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