A parliamentary report recommending the creation of a 'rural powerhouse' in the countryside have been backed by landowners in Wales.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group report sets out a £43bn economic blueprint to revitalise the rural economy in Wales and England

“This report’s implications for Wales are plain for all to see,” says Nigel Hollett, director, CLA Cymru.

“Agriculture, economic development, the planning regime, key areas in tax and connectivity are devolved. We call on the Welsh Government to review the report, take heed of the conclusions and apply the findings to action to make meaningful investment on the ground in Wales’ rural areas.”

This report’s implications for Wales are plain for all to see

The findings follow one of the most comprehensive inquiries ever to be conducted by a parliamentary body into the health of the rural economy.

The APPG took evidence from over 50 industry bodies, charities, campaign groups, companies, academics, and business leaders – including some with business interests in Wales.

The report concluded that no government in recent memory has had a programme to unlock the economic and social potential of the countryside. This is equally true in Wales as it is in England.

This has resulted in the fact that the rural economy is 18 per cent less productive than the UK average. A gap that, if reduced, could add £43bn to the UK economy.

“The isolation of agriculture and rural affairs from the main thrust of economic development strategy has disadvantaged the rural economy,” Nigel Hollett adds.

“The Common Agricultural Policy’s separation of agriculture from the rest of the economy at the farmgate has no longer applied.

"It means government needs a holistic strategy to farming as the backbone of a highly diversified rural economy – involving food processing, retail, tourism and hospitality and increasingly an ever widening range of rural-based service enterprises.

“The Welsh Government should review the impact of recent legislation and proposals affecting the agricultural profitability and the viability of rural tourist businesses.

"It must examine how the planning system can be improved to facilitate responsible development that revitalises rural communities. It needs to set a deadline and ensure mobile and broadband connectivity is complete.

"Above all, the Welsh Government must create a transparent and accessible process to enable Welsh rural businesses to gain investment support from the regional growth deals and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.”