A BUILTH Wells honey producer received an un-bee-lievable surprise at this week’s Royal Welsh Winter Fair when his was named the ‘best dressed stand’.

Shane Llewelyn-Jones turned a boyhood obsession with bees into a hobby and eventually a career. He runs Bee Welsh Honey, renowned for its award-winning varieties of honey that have won multiple awards.

These have included top honours at the Royal Welsh Show and Great Taste Awards, while he’s even appeared at the popular BBC Good Food Show at Birmingham’s NEC.

Wales Farmer: Shane Llewelyn-Jones runs Bee Welsh Honey, renowned for its award-winning varieties of honey that have won multiple awards.Shane Llewelyn-Jones runs Bee Welsh Honey, renowned for its award-winning varieties of honey that have won multiple awards. (Image: Bee Welsh Honey)

On Monday, November 27, the 45-year-old added a new accolade to the collection. Shane was buzzing with his win, on home soil, posting a picture of his beautifully dressed Bee Welsh Honey stand inside the Winter Fair’s food hall, with the caption “Smashed it”.

He added on the company’s Facebook page: “The Royal Welsh winter fair, best dressed stand winners, showcasing the finest produce our bees have to offer.”

There were nearly 70 exhibitors pedalling their delicious products inside the food hall, but Shane’s caught the eye of the style judges.

Shane has more than 200 hives in apiaries throughout Mid Wales – producing over seven tonnes of honey.

He started making it when he was 12, from just one hive in the garden at the family home. This in turn led to a surplus of honey which he began selling at farmers markets.

Over the years, he has honed his beekeeping skills and won plenty of accolades.