A call has gone out to school children from across Pembrokeshire to make pancakes ahead of Pancake Day on the County Showground to learn how ingredients are produced locally.

During the Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society event, which will be suitable for all ages from year two to year 11, arable and dairy farmers from all over the county will be on hand to demonstrate and explain the journey of the different crops, milk and eggs produced in Pembrokeshire that go into making a pancake.

The event, sponsored by NFU Mutual, the CLA Charitable Trust and Women in Wales, will take place on 7 and 8 February on the Pembrokeshire County Showground. There will be machinery and animals at the event with farmers to explain what skills are required to produce food and care for the countryside.

Kathy Wilson, a former teacher and now an honorary Pembrokeshire Show governor, is organising the event on behalf of the Society’s Food Story / Stori Bwyd.

Kathy said: “The response has been extremely positive to our previous Food Story events which have had barbecue and harvest themes. We hope local school children will learn a lot about where their food comes from when they attend this pancake themed event.

"We are very grateful to all the farmers and supporters who are volunteering their time to make this event happen. Please could we ask local schools to book their places as soon as possible.”

During the event, which organisers anticipate over 1,000 children will attend at allotted times, there will also be an opportunity to meet businesses from the local area, learn about health and well-being as well as how science, technology, engineering and mathematics are used to produce food locally.

The event will also touch on how the weather and climate can affect the work farmers do and how the crops grow. Children will also get an opportunity to cook pancakes and enjoy tasting locally produced ice-cream with them.

All primary and secondary schools across the county have been contacted inviting them to attend. If teachers have not received the email but would like to attend the event could they please email the Pembrokeshire Showground Office: info@pembsshow.org as soon as possible.